All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Friday, March 19, 2010

Funny and Fabulous

Si's just killing me these days. He...
* loves these glasses
* doesn't know how to say 'yes' yet, so every single response from him is a shouted 'NO'. You must interpret the tone in his voice to figure out the real answer.
* announces a dirty diaper by grabbing his crotch and shouting 'POOP there it is' (actually pronounced "poop 'der 'tis")
* gives a running commentary from his car seat on all transportation modes...bus, truck, plane, choo choo, copter.
* loves to sing the B-I-B-L-E song and the "Hello" song from Millie's preschool; also, asks for me to play music by pointing at the CD player and telling me "you you". Apparently Millie has played the inappropriate Avril Lavigne song a few too many times around here (Hey, hey, you, you, I know that you like me...)
* runs screaming through the door of Millie's classroom when the teacher opens it for parents to get the kiddos. All the other parents know to step out of the way to let Simon through first. He runs straight to Millie and hugs her.

Mils is a dream. Seriously, a really great kid. We had our first Parent-Teacher conference at her preschool this week and were thrilled at the report from her teachers. She...

* is quite the social little girl. She's great at inviting kids to play with her. I was hugely relieved to hear this. This is a skill that will serve her well as we move around and drop her into new schools and environments every few years. She'll need to feel comfortable inviting kids to play and introducing herself to others.
* tends to the needs of her classmates. She gets pretty concerned when a friend is sad or gets hurt.
* likes to put on presentations and lessons for her classmates (imagine her as the teacher in the pretend game of school). Poor Simon...he has a long life of being bossed ahead of him.
* loves the art studio and is right on track with her drawing/scribbling/writing development. To celebrate Millie's first stellar "report card", Christopher bought her a special treat: her very own hole-punch and a four-pack of scotch tape dispensers. It was like she got a million dollars. She's been punching and taping everything in sight.

Playing with Anna

A golf outing with Dad

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