All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tourists in Our Own Town

We realize we are fortunate to live in a town where people choose to come on vacation. We'd really LOVE it if some of our friends would like to come here on vacation, too! To entice you, I offer a few fun outings available for your San Diego visiting pleasure:


When we last visited LL with our friends Greg and Sybil back in February, we bought 'buy-a-day-get-a-day-free' passes. So this enabled us to return to the park for 'free' last week AND bring my friend Jill and Millie's friend Brynn along with us (thanks for leaving us your tickets, Greg & Sybil). Oh my goodness it was fun. Highlights:

Relatively scary ride (for my adventure-adverse girl) that got us all strapped in and then shot up and dropped down very quickly. I was in line and set to go with Brynn (roller coaster loving three year old) and who comes running around the corner to join us? Mils! She worked it through in her mind and decided to overcome her fears and join the fun. She LOVED it!

The crowd favorite...jerky airplane ride with Jill. We did this one a few times.

Moms' favorite: Apple Fries! OK. See what Brynn is holding? Looks like a french fry.'s a fried apple stick rolled in cinnamon and sugar and topped with whipped cream. Yes, Millie, it IS finger licking good.
What I wasn't able to catch on camera but will always be a memory from this day is Millie's full body tackle of Brynn while waiting in line for the jerky airplane ride. She was just so overcome with happiness that she barrelled into Brynn, embracing her in a gigantic hug that took both of them down. At first scary to watch, then so sweet to laugh at!

Sea World

You all know how much we love it there. I got a pass for myself so now Si and I can join Julie and Mils on their Sea World adventures. Here's our recent trip:

Petting the Budweiser Clydesdales

Millie's favorite: "Dogfish Elmo"

The End: Post-Sea World Crash

Air Show

This one was a total bust. We tried to see these Air Race things down on San Diego Bay last week, but only ended up waiting in chairs for over an hour listening to the pre-race hype. We bailed when it started to get hot and ran over into nap time.

So come visit us! We've got the beach, fish tacos, loads of sunshine, great parks, and locals to guide your way!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Boy and His Dog

Si and Casey seem to have a secret language...they really love being together. This is how I found them when I walked back into the room this afternoon:

Friday, May 15, 2009


We've been wondering, almost since his birth, whether Si would get the curls. I noticed tonight that it looks like they're on the way:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Quick Health Update

Had a dual doctors visit for the kids yesterday, and there was good news all around. Si is completely recovered from the pneumonia AND has gained 1.5 pounds! He's still a little guy, but he's happy and healthy. Mils is weighing in at 31.5 pounds now, for what it's worth. That's of particular interest to us since Christopher regularly takes both kids out in the jogging stroller when he goes on his training runs on the weekends. That means he's pushing 50 pounds of kids plus that heavy stroller. Superman strikes again.

And then this afternoon a real moment of truth arrived for me. Millie had peanut butter. My heart is racing right now just thinking about it. I have a really severe peanut allergy (the scary kind that has me carrying epi-pens, banning it from the house, honestly fearing for my life when I fly Southwest airlines), so we had decided to wait until Mils (and Si, for that matter) was at least 3 years old until we introduced it to her. And even then I planned to do it when my mom (a nurse) was here, and probably while sitting in the parking lot of the emergency room. See, I'm a bit of a mess about this.

Anyway, we were at the neighborhood park this afternoon and I got distracted and Mils was doing her usual 'beg food off of anyone I see' routine and next thing I know she's polishing off a peanut butter pretzel sandwich thing. OK. Stay calm. Don't freak out in front of my friends and neighbors. Don't freak Millie out. Don't cry. Intellectually, I know that because of the way allergies work, Millie won't have a reaction the first few times she ingests peanuts. If she is allergic, it will happen on the third or fourth or fifth taste. Emotionally, I can't get past the fear that I know so well...the mouth swelling, lungs closing up, the race to the hospital. Ugh.

So, in God's perfect timing, this emotional hurdle has been crossed. No hoopla, no preparation, no over-thinking it. Bam. Done. And best of all, she's totally fine, sleeping soundly in her room, oblivious to my panic. The peanut adventure begins. Here's hoping she joins Christopher's team of happy peanut butter lovers!