All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

While Daddy's Away...

...we're trying to laugh through these very long days! Christopher left for Guam yesterday so I've tried to keep our mornings full of fun activities. A few shots of what we've been up to:

Hanging and playing with Brynn (and her parents Jill & Brent)

A visit to Scripps Aquarium yesterday. Seemed like a great idea until BOTH kids decided to be afraid of the darkened rooms and glowing fish tanks. Ugh.

I walked into the kids' room to get them up from naps yesterday and was stinky in there. When I started asking around about the source of the stink, here's what Simon had to say for himself...

I asked him if he pooped and he just looked at me and then lifted up his shirt to show me where I could find it. Ummm...awesome. Kid can't say mommy yet, but he has a very full non-verbal vocabulary!

And while we're on the subject of funny vocabularies, today during lunch Millie told me that Si had a " 'roni tattoo". WHAT? What are you talking about? Sure enough, I looked over at Simon and somehow he had a macaroni plastered to his bicep. Lots of questions here: How did that macaroni get there? Why is a tattoo the first thing Millie thinks of when something is plastered to someones arm?

We are all missing Christopher like crazy and really appreciating everything he does for this family. Counting the days until he returns...

Monday, September 14, 2009


And she's off! Millie hit preschool running and so far really loves it. Here are some shots from her first day.

She picked out her own outfit!

Millie's new backpack and school bus hair clip from Yammy & Poppa.

Daddy & Mils outside of the school.

Her new friend (also named Amelia). Millie grabbed her hand and they headed out to the playground. A quick hug and a kiss and away she went...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Farewell Summer

We've been aching for a little family getaway during these last weeks of summer, so we packed up the traveling circus and headed to Palm Springs. I know it sounds like a dream huh? 115 degrees in the dead of August...delightful. But thanks to my first-ever transaction, we got a steal of a deal on an unbelievable resort. We swam in the pools all day long and took breaks for movies, naps and air conditioning. My sister even drove over from LA to join us for a bit. What a great summer send-off and family kick-off to the next big season in our lives. Next up: preschool!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Toddlers and Tiaras

Once again, Jules hooks us up with the coolest opportunity. File this one under "what I will do for some cute shoes!" The company she works for in Santa Monica, TOMS, makes and sells shoes for the sole purpose (get it...'sole'?) of giving away hundreds of thousands of shoes to underprivileged children around the world. For every pair of shoes TOMS sells, they give away a pair to a child in need. A while back Julie spent a week putting shoes on kids in South Africa and was hooked. She's now living her dream job, and I'm just so proud of her.

So a few weeks ago we got the call that Millie was chosen to be one of the models for the company's new "Tiny TOMS" line. Since she wears TOMS shoes pretty much nonstop, I figured this would be a fun and easy adventure. What I didn't know was that the other three kids in the photo shoot were 'pros'. This came to light when I signed a form allowing TOMS to release photos to me for Millie's portfolio. If by 'portfolio' they meant the basket of photo albums under the coffee table, then sure...we'll take 'em! Next, one of the other moms asked me how often Millie 'worked'. Ummm. Well. Not often. She's 2. Anyway, I was extra thankful that Millie was SOOO well behaved and cooperative since she was the amateur of the bunch.

After a few days of discussions about the appropriateness of skinny jeans for 2 year olds (I still don't know if they are right or wrong, but they were pretty cute on her so we just went with it), we loaded her up with a sugar-filled orange juice box and set her loose. She was her adorable self -- engaging with the other kids, polite with the TOMS staff, accepting of the camera in her face and at her feet, and just a great kid.

To complete the star studded day, we met both the founder of TOMS and all three members of Hansen (yes, the Mmm-Bop Hansens) while we were at the HQ. Who knows how or if any of these photos will turn out, but we can chalk it up to a super-fun LA day. And if it does happen to work, you might be seeing Mils' little tootsies all over the place!

Kid-sized staging area. Check out the wardrobe and snack table stocked with goldfish and grapes!

Si is looking pretty sporty in his own TOMS.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm Getting Big!

Wow. This is one amazing boy. Here we are at the swings last week. He's so fun!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

...And Even MORE Cousins!

A couple of weeks ago all the stars aligned and we were able to reunite with the Wells family. Matthew and Christopher are cousins and Jen and I married into the family the same year. She's from SoCal so we jumped on the opportunity of her visit home to the LA area to get all our kids together for some lunch, playin', and swimmin'. Man, Millie had fun. Jadyn and Ella are older than she is, so she loved following them around and imitating their every move. Jadyn is the most helpful almost-7 year old I know (she managed to get Millie fully dressed after swimming and carried Si around the house for me) and Ella has so much spirit. Wyatt and Simon are just a few months apart, so they mainly crawled around and stared at each other.

It was a special time to reconnect with Jen, now that we're both moms. Matthew is a college football coach so they move more often than we do, and Jen is simply inspiring in her positive attitude towards the constant change. And I loved seeing Jen's mom, Karen, again. She has always been so loving and encouraging with me.

Here are some shots of the fun afternoon: