All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sugar Cookie Invitational

Now here's a great idea: Bunches of toddlers gathered together to decorate/smear/eat Christmas sugar cookies. Our friends Laura and daughter Taylor hosted a sugar cookie party yesterday morning, and I don't think I've ever seen anything cuter. We supplied babies, bibs and booster seats and Laura organized everything else perfectly with dozens of baked cookies, little bowls of icing with kid-friendly tools, lots and lots of sprinkles, and a blind eye to the sticky fingers on furniture and carpeting.

The scene: Miles in the blue shirt, Grace at the head of the table, Aliyah next to Millie, Mils, Violet tucked behind her mom, and hostess Taylor with her back to us. The moms are Anna, Katrina and Grace. Not in the photo: babies Lucy and Camera, moms Michelle and host Laura.

Millie's never had so much sugar in her life. She was very grateful.

And here's half the group before the howling began. Thanks for a fun morning, Laura!

Christmas at the White House

We got a great opportunity to visit the White House yesterday with a group of Christopher's colleagues. It was an extra-special chance to see it all decorated for Christmas. Just beautiful. Millie and I are in front of the famous White House Christmas Tree (an 18 footer from North Carolina).

Here is a really stunning nativity set up in the East Room, normally the setting for press conferences and dinners. And the 300 pound gingerbread house, which is a replica of the white house and covered in white chocolate.

Millie did some great walking once we got outside and set her free from the sling. Here's a quick shot of us on the north side of the White House. I'll try to post some cute video of Mils toddling around the grounds. What a fun family outing!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Santa Hugs

I think we're ready for Christmas, or at least on a good trajectory to be done on time. We are as decorated as it's going to get around here, and Millie has loved all the new goodies to investigate. I think her favorite so far is the huge cow-themed Santa Claus that a friend made for us back when I worked for Gateway. It was a very exciting post-nap discovery for Mils, and here are a few shots of her giving Santa sweet hugs and love.

The "No Touch" Zone

A few shots of tree-shopping. Not as exciting as it could chain saws or hot apple cider or even a lovely delivery and set-up service (a little San Diego nostalgia there). Just a nice little errand to the local BX (military store at nearby Ft. Myer) to pick out a good one. Millie loved it just the same.

The tricky part of the new decorating scheme in the living room is the new "no touch" candy area. Really great little trays that spell out "JOY" are filled with chocolate near the tree. Unfortunately, they are in her play zone and at a very tantalizing eye-level. After a few flirts with the forbidden treat, she has seemed to have conquered the temptation and moved on to packing and unpacking my purse. Awesome.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Go Bearz

This falls in the category of "All About Amelia's Parents"...

My mom and dad treated us to a Redskins/Bears game at FedEx Field last night. Seemed like an especially luxurious and entertaining outing back in the crisp autumn days of September when the tickets were purchased. Despite the sub-freezing temperatures, we loaded up with homemade chicken noodle soup, at least three layers of clothes on all body parts and a positive attitude. We had a GREAT time. The seats were perfect and the hot chocolate was all I wanted it to be. And I know you're all a little jealous of my enormous orange jacket. It's a winner, huh? Don't know how it came to be mine, but I can't imagine a more perfect scenario for it's one and only public wearing. 'Puff Daddy', as Christopher has named it, is officially retired.
Oh yeah...Redskins won the game 24-16, which was good news only for my mom. Dad and I are solidly for the Bears (unless they ever play my Chargers), Mom likes the Skins, and Christopher is for whichever team the Redskins are playing (he's a Cowboys fan). Millie stayed home with some wonderful friends of ours and we enjoyed every moment of our adult evening. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Walking the Dog

Good thing our dog Casey is about the best dog that ever lived, because taking her for a walk is getting to be quite an ordeal these days. Now that it's turned bitter cold, the daily walk involves bundling Millie in layers of coats and hats, loading her into a backpack contraption and shuffling a few blocks to a non-fenced area of our park. Sometimes it's just the pick-me-up I need to make it through the afternoon. Today was not so much a pick-me-up as an endurance test. Here's a photo of Millie post-walk. Note the snow melting on the backpack, coat, hat, and very fancy sock-mittens!

I am still very thankful that we found such a great dog for our family and very, very thankful that Christopher does the 5:00 am and 10:00 pm walks!