All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Friday, December 7, 2012

Summer's Farewell

I'll reach into the way-back archives to get this post up on the blog because I just don't want to forget it.  Just before the kids went back to school, my sister Julie flew into town for a long weekend of fun.  We headed down to the Outerbanks for one last summer hurrah at the beach.  Lots of swimming at the hotel pools, a morning hunting shells on the beach, a return to our favorite pier on the bay and great memories made with Aunt JuJu.  Perfect.

Simon salutes his Daddy!

Morning walk on the beach.

Beautiful summer rainbow, photographed by Millie.

Rainbows! Gymnastics! Friends Bearing Gifts!

Can you think of anything more heavenly for a six year old girl?  Mils seemed to revel in her birthday party this weekend.  I loved every drop of the pre-planned, no mess, easy to execute perfection of it all.  The party in pics: