All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Monday, January 28, 2013

We're Still Here!

Just before Christmas our computer finally heaved its last reboot and decided to stay dead for good. I've used this lack of technology access as an excuse for all sorts of procrastination and inactivity, including the blog silence. No more. I'll see if I can get caught up by posting right from my phone. First up: Christmas Awesomeness.

Choosing a tree:


An outing to the Nutcracker ballet with the Hardy girls, Sarah and Kim.

Just Hannah being Hannah...

Christmas Morning...

Kids gifts to each other. This is my favorite tradition. They take so much care and pride choosing just the right thing. Among the treasures: a striped headband for Millie, fancy bandaids for Simon, chew toy for Casey.

Our gifts to the kids. Our tradition of buying just four gifts for the kids (we do 'something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read') keeps my stress about gift buying and balancing under control.

Oh my. Handmade Red Riding Hood from Kim to Hannah. What a treasure. And the Hershey Kiss behind her is my gift from Mils. It's a symbol of our year of Daddy kisses. Yes, I cried while receiving both.

Casey in her new bed, destroying her new toy.

Other favorite gifts: play table, Legos, pioneer get-up, almost anything Hannah got to unwrap herself!