You know something that's exhausting about moving around so much? Finding and really digging into a new church. It took us a couple of months, but we've found a good one (Stuttgart Military Community Church). We have joined a small group and are building relationships and making friends.
Also happening around here: our little village has banded together to design, fund and now build a new playground for the kindergarten. Beginning last year the parents dreamt it, the kids helped design it, the entire village raised more than 70,000 Euro for it, and now they are spending nights and weekends constructing it. I am amazed and the very real example of what it means to live in community with each other.
These two forces in our lives collided last weekend. Our small group wanted to find a service project to work on together...our kindergarten needed laborers. Voila. It was a fun, exhausting morning joining with our German neighbors and working alongside our new American friends.
The next day (as I was hobbling along on my sore back and creaky knees) I realized that we have a place now in this country. We have a place that we can come back to and look at and say "I helped build that." Another real example of leaving a piece of ourselves behind when we continue this journey.