Life is moving at light speed for us. We are here in San Diego, sweetly reunited with Christopher/Daddy and deep into the job of making our house a home. In the midst of all that is happening around us, the kids are more than just enduring and surviving. They are growing and changing and thriving. Millie is talking in sentences, saying her ABC's thru 'S', working on dressing herself, and entertaining us all with her toddler-ness. Example: we taught her to do 'high five' and 'nucks' (also know as a potato or fist-bump). She took this to a very random next level and insists on only doing 'elbows'. Something exciting happens around here and we all have to bump elbows with each other.
Millie REEAALLY enjoys her fish taco!
She also likes to give us a lot of direction: "SEET down" (sit down)!; "Hold you" (which actually means pick me up. I think she came up with this because I ask her "Do you want me to hold you?"); and my favorite is "Yum ON" (come on) which is said with much insistence and accompanied by frantic waving. Casey gets a lot of "Yum ON"s.But the big news, as of last night, is her new Big Girl Bed, which she absolutely loves. So this is what I mean by a whole new world around here. We've not only got a new brother, a new house, and a new neighborhood and playground, but we've also got new sleeping arrangements.