All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Whoohooo! Party in Millie's bed!

Look closely. I mean really study all that's going on in this photo.

This is how I found Millie when I went in to check on her halfway thru her nap. 1) She's got the very obvious blanket-as-hat situation; 2) I have no idea how it happened, but she is wearing her baby doll's pants. I mean, this girl can barely get her own pants on correctly!; and 3) In what must have been a valiant struggle, she's got baby's shirt on her right arm. Wow.

I thought it was so funny that I immediately got on the webcam with my parents and carried the laptop & camera in there so they could check it out! Obviously it woke her up (whoops), so we carried on the webchat for a while. Here she is, in all her silly glory, wearing her wings and sharing her pretend cheese slice with Yammy.


Maeve McDonald said...

Now THAT is a story to tell when she's older. Such a cutie. We miss her!

Tara said...

LOVE this! Totally laughed aloud at the doll baby pants pulled on her legs...the things they can do when they really want it! So glad you caught this to share.

Big hugs,