All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Friday, October 16, 2009

'Tis the Season...

...for pumpkin pictures! My friend Laura came down for a visit with Taylor and Bo, so we spent a couple hours catching up and playing around the house and then headed out to our favorite patch. It's really more like a "Pumpkin Amusement Park-meets-Dairy Farm" so the kids had a BLAST. Of course, I had just as much fun watching Millie and Si interact with their friends and explore the farm. Not to mention how great it was to be with Laura again. What a perfect fall day!

All the kids in a wagon. Seemed like a good idea...

...until it all went wrong. Si's screaming for rescue; Bo's contemplating a dare devil leap to the next wagon; Persnickety Millie is brushing hay off Bo; Dignified Taylor is just above all this nonsense

Atop the hay pyramid

Entangled in the hay maze

Hay ride!


This is Laura's photo and I think it's just hysterical. The three big kids LOVED 'sledding' down the hill of cotton seed. It was fluffy and soft and just the right speed.

The sweet girls dancing to questionable "Kidz Bop" Avril Lavigne tunes. An interesting note about the divvying up of dancing costumes: Taylor is modeling the dress/wings/headband look while Mils is wearing the red dancing hat & shoes combo. Both are equally desirable to her. Funny.

1 comment:

LB said...

Ahhh!!!! I love these! The pic of you sliding down the hill while Taylor is upside down is hilarious. Miss you guys.