All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The "to do" list for our upcoming move is long. I'm happy to report that we have checked off the top two boxes: 1. Find a home. 2. Find a preschool.

We are just home from a whirlwind and completely successful trip back east. We toured a bunch of potential schools for Mils and had the happy dilemma of choosing between two really great ones. She's going to love her new preschool. We also drove our little tails off looking for a place to live, and wouldn't you know it...the very last place we looked at turned out to be the one! Good news: it's less than 2 miles from the heart of UVA's campus (and Christopher's school) and about a mile from the downtown pedestrian mall & lots of parks & walking trails. Bad news: it's a three level townhouse. Entry, garage and laundry on the bottom, bedrooms on the top. My knees hurt just thinking about it. But you know what? It's new, it's fancy & upgraded, and FINALLY...I won't be sharing a bathroom with my kids. YIPPEE!

Just being there made me feel much more at peace about our move. As we drove into town I felt a big knot in my throat. As we drove away, I felt excited and hopeful. We're going to have a great year together.

Of course, we neglected to take any photos of the house or preschool, so these were pulled off a website. You get the idea.

1 comment:

LB said...

Beautiful, beautiful beautiful! What a wonderful home! And you found a preschool too - VERY impressive. Way to go, Mom! Miss you guys SOO much.
Laura B.