In honor of Father's Day, check out this most amazing photo. These six guys just completed a triathlon's this for a celebration? They are the husbands of the six of us girls who completed our own first triathlons in March, and this was the first triathlon for two of these guys, too.
One of the moms (Betsy...we call her the 'over achiever') got organized and had the top photo enlarged and mounted for all of us to give to the Dads yesterday. I think it says a lot about this sweet life we've got going right now. Our families have enmeshed themselves in so many ways. These guys serve together at church, coach softball together on the weekends, care for each others' kids, talk about real stuff with each other, talk sports with each other all the rest of the time, and two of them are even going to Haiti together in a few weeks. And if the Dads are this involved in each others' lives, well, you know the moms and kids are having lots of together time. It'll be fun to look back on this photo in 10 years, wherever we might be, and remember how much fun we're having raising these kids in such a community of love and friendship. Oh, and 10 years Abby and Sophia will be graduating high school, so we might want to bust this out at a graduation party or something. What 18 year old wouldn't want a photo of them in pajamas enlarged for all to see?