All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sweet Reunion

Friday was the awaited and celebrated return of the Enterprise, the aircraft carrier Christopher reported to when we moved to Norfolk.  Christopher flew onto the carrier two weeks ago so he could get some on-board training from the JAG he will replace while the carrier steamed home across the Med and Atlantic.  So this homecoming, while very exciting for us to be a part of (and such a great reunion with Dad after two long weeks), felt like a trial-run for us.  I watched with awe and emotion as families came together after six months apart...can I do it?  Will I find the grace and positive attitude to carry three kids along for the adventure?  Our own test will come soon enough.

Christopher had a great experience.  His parting advice to me regarding the homecoming festivities: "Whatever you do, DON'T get yourself interviewed on camera."  I'm sure we were tempting targets (hugely pregnant spouse with two small kids), but I understood the reasoning.

Quick baby update: two weeks left.  Nursery completed; clothes washed and stashed; kids fully excited about Cookie's arrival.  In fact, Simon, our little chatter-box/never-met-a stranger, told his Sunday school teacher at a new church we visited on Sunday that "Cookie will come out of my mom's belly".  I really can only imagine what she was thinking about our family!

My dad was along to help with the logistics/wrangling.

Millie made sure she had on her fancy jewelry for Daddy!

1 comment:

LB said...

LOVE Millie's little sailor dress. Such a sweet pic of Christopher in his uniform holding the two kids. Counting down the next two weeks with you.
Lv Laura