All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hannah Julie

We are blessed beyond words.  Baby Hannah Julie was born on Wednesday and is as perfect as she could be.  She weighed in at 8lbs, 7 oz (the smallest of the three babies...can you believe it?) and is 22.5 inches long.  We came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon and are getting settled and finding a new routine for our family of five.

Here are a few photos from those hazy first days in the hospital.  I think Christopher's got some good ones on his phone as well, so I'll hunt those down soon.

Mils and Si are doing AWESOME.  They are the most adoring, gentle, concerned preschoolers I've ever met.  Mils holds her, stares at her, comforts her, generally dotes on her non-stop.  Si tears around the house screaming "Baby Hannah" until he figures out where we're at...he loves to hold her until she cries and is generally loving and amazed by it all.  Fun times.


Sybil Anne Strimbu said...

Hannah Julie, we cannot wait to meet you.

LB said...

So cute! Love her little head of hair and her round, round face. Congrats to the whole family!
Lv Laura B.

Nina said...

Yay! I LOVE her name! Is her middle name after your sister...I seem to remember that being her name, no? LOVE that!

Millie looks so grown up! Love it!

Good job mama!