All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where are we going today, Mom?

This sums up our last four weeks.  We all climbed in the car today, heading from Grandparents Greer to Grandparents Steinbeiss (which we had apparently forgot to mention to the kids) and Millie oh so casually threw this question at us from the back seat.  Christopher and I just looked at each other and laughed.  What stunningly awesome kids.  They just go with the flow... absorbing what comes their way and making the best of it.  Perhaps it's time we land this flying circus and get back to real life.

So just a quick update about our general whereabouts...we begin life in Charlottesville tomorrow.  We've been bouncing between the grandparents' homes for the last week and were thrilled to be able to join in the celebration of the 90th birthday of Christopher's beloved Grumpa this weekend.  We snuck down to our new house on Friday (sans kiddos) to receive all of our household goods from the movers.  It seriously looks like a tornado touched down in there.  We weren't able to unpack or organized a thing before we headed back north, so I'm a bit afraid of the work we have ahead of us.

We're hanging in there.  I can't wait to document the joy of this journey for our family.  Just the sweetest memories made along the way.  My memory card in my camera is full of them, so I've got lots of catching up to do when I uncover the laptop and a few moments of down time.  But I'm not gonna lie...I-am-tired.  The 'lay down and sleep for days' kind of tired.   I'll hold on for a few more weeks.  Time enough to find a routine, get the lay of the land, let the dust settle on what has just happened.  I'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

Betsy Roy said...

Stacey - I love the update! I'm so happy to hear that you guys made it safely across the country - and with such positive attitudes intact! I've thought about you guys so much - we miss you immensely! Keep the updates coming.... I'll be praying for multiplied energy and time for you over these next few days and weeks.