All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Heartbreaking Good News

Just before Christmas we got the news we've been holding our breath for...our next orders.  Norfolk, we come.  The news is the true definition of bittersweet.  Christopher's going to a really great job, and we are both so very very thankful for the opportunity ahead of him.  We'll move in May, after he graduates from the JAG school, so the circus of house hunting / preschool searching / pre-move organizing will begin soon.  Friends, if you have ANY information to share with me on the area, fire away!  I'm desperate for some great recommendations.

I'm sure you can guess the 'heartbreak' side of this news.  It's just not San Diego.  When we left this summer, I just KNEW we'd be back.  Even now I'll catch myself longing for a Sunday morning at Canyon Springs Church or a simple family outing to Coronado or a breakfast at Pipes.  Millie and Simon will be at the same preschool next year and oh how I wish we could rejoin our friends at College Park Preschool.  Should I even begin with the fact that today's high temperature will top out at 25 degrees here?  As always, I know that God has a reason and purpose for all things.  We will make a life for ourselves that is fun, meaningful, adventurous.  We'll make great memories, dive into the fullness of family life with precious little miracles to raise, and embrace the chance to create a new "hometown" for ourselves.  What a crazy life.

1 comment:

Katherine, Anna's Mom said...

Congratulations on Christopher getting his dream job but of course, we wish you could be back here in San Diego. Miss you!!!