All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yep...I'm not even kidding. That's how much we made in four hours at our yard sale. Equally as satisfying: we can now step foot in our two car garage since we cleaned out so much stuff. I got so caught up in the frenzy that in a moment of weakness I agreed to sell my beloved papasan chair. You know what I'm talking about...everyone had one that was purchased at some point in college and was then moved from one crazy living situation to another in your 20's. Mine was purchased my senior year. Lately it's most often been used as a closet/repository for clothing and most recently lived in our storage unit in DC. Christopher hates that thing nearly as much as my sister does, so I was really feeling the heat to let it go. Sigh.

So on to more interesting's one cute kid:

He's a smiley one, especially with his sister. Today she gave him kisses just any ol' time, without even being asked. She also pinched his nose closed for long periods of time, so I think she's still figuring out how best to show her love!

And here's a shot of another daily ritual, walk to the slides (Simon is lying in the stroller, underneath Millie. Note Casey watching us from the window.). There is a great little playground in the Village near our house. It's a quick walk and a mandatory daily outing. There are TWO coffee shops on the way, so I can usually manage this walk at almost any hour of the day.

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