All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

All About Amelia, Simon & Hannah

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

OK...That's More Like It

Just in case you thought I was getting too full of my home-making self, here's a dose of reality:


Yes, my nine month old is watching Elmo. It takes about 15-30 minutes for the coffee to kick in around here. Even these folks know not to mess with me before then.

Yes, my two-and-half-year old can barely peel her eyes away or keep her finger out of her nose long enough to take this photo.

Yes, she was promised 'snacks' in exchange for this cheesy toddler grin.

Yes, he's always this happy in the morning. Just like his Dad. Lucky me.

Sadly, I can not even take credit for the matching jammies. Dad dressed them for bed last night. What a different house this would be if they had a morning-person mom. Maybe someday. Now Christopher's laughing his head off.

1 comment:

Sharon Simon said...

Too cute!
And by the way, LOVED your last post. From a former non-domestic working mom to stay-at-home mom, I got a chuckle. It also made me reflect on how much I have changed in the last 3 years.